International Research Institute (IRI)

International Research Institute (IRI)

The Charter of the Institute

Chapter 1. Principal Rules

Article 1.   The Institute shall be named "NPO INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IRI)".
Article 2.   The head office shall be located in Higuchi Laboratory,  Tokyo Institute Of Technology, 2-12-1 Oh-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551 Japan
2.  Secondary offices shall be located as follows:
(1)  c/o Tohoku University, Division of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8578, JAPAN;
(2)  c/o The Southern Alps Continuing Education Center, 405 Ojiichinose, Hase-mura, Kamiina-gun, Nagano, 396-0405, JAPAN

Chapter 2. Aims and Activities

Article 3.   The IRI shall have the following aims.
(1)To carry out research on science technology in flexible and prompt undertakings which promote academic and international activities surrounding the research.
(2) To contribute to raising the level of knowledge, culture and education in the world and improving mental and physical health of the general population, creating a definite aim in life and exchanging information.
(3) To contribute to world peace.

(NPO Category)
Article 4.   The IRI shall achieve the aims mentioned above by NPO (Non-Profit Organization) activities as follows:
  (1) Improve of health, medical treatment, and welfare.
  (2) Promote of social education
  (3) Promote of towns that are easier for all citizens to live in.
  (4) Promote of culture, art, and sport.
  (5) Promote environmental preservation.
  (6) Protect human rights, and promote peace.
  (7) Promote international cooperation.
  (8) Protect and nurture young people.
  (9) Communicate with and advise other organizations which shall achieve the aims mentioned above.

Article 5.   The IRI shall achieve the aims mentioned in Article 3 in the following ways.
  (1) Activities related to NPO
    a. Spread research and its results to science technology, culture and education.
    b. Spread  research and its results to health care, medical treatment and welfare.
    c. Spread  research and its results to arts and sports.
    d. Spread research and its results to nurturing children, skill development, social education and creating a definite aim in life.
    e. Spread research and its results to environmental preservation efforts.
    f.  Spread research and its results to human rights and world peace efforts.
    g. Promote information and networks about the activities mentioned above.
    h. Promote activities of domestic and international exchanges.
    i.  Meet fiduciary obligations and consignations from government and other public offices related to the activities above.
    j.  Communicate with and advise other organizations related to the above.

Chapter 3. Membership

Article 6. The IRI shall be comprised of  three kinds of members as follows.
  (1) Corporate Member:
    A person who agrees with the aims of the IRI and registers and works according to the Article 7.
  (2) General Member:
    A person who agrees with the aims of the IRI and registers and works according to the Article 7.
  (3) Supporting Member:
    An individual or a group who agrees with and supports the aims of the IRI according to the following Article 7.

Article 7. A person who wants to be a member shall submit an application form to the Board Chairman. The Board Chairman shall not reject admission without a legitimate reason.  The Board Chairman shall inform the applicant by letter stating reason(s) for rejecting an application.
Article 8. Annual / initial fees decided in a general assembly meeting shall be paid by all members.
(Loss of membership)
Article 9. Membership shall be lost under the following conditions.
  (1)  Submission of a notice of withdrawal.
  (2)  Death of the member or dissolution of the IRI.
  (3) Conviction of a criminal offense.
  (4)  Failure to pay the annual fee for more than one year continuously.
  (5)  Removal by the IRI.

Article 10. A member may resign by submitting a notice of withdrawal.
Article 11. If a member meets the condition of removal by the IRI, this shall be done by a decision of general meeting.  In this case, the member shall be given a chance to explain his/her actions before the decision is made.
  (1)  Acting against the deeds of the IRI.
  (2)  Disgracing the IRI or acting against its aims.
(No returning of fees or contributions.)
Article 12. The fees that were paid or contributed are not returned in principle.

Chapter 4. Board Member and Staff Member

(Classification and quorum
Article 13.  (1) The IRI shall have the following officers.
    (a) Directors (more than 3)
    (b) Auditor (more than 1)
  (2) Directors including a Board Chairman and others with duties as follows:
    (a) Deputy Vice President  : several
    (b) Executive Director : several
    (c) Managing Director : several
Article 14. (1) Directors and Auditors shall be elected at a general meeting.
  (2) A Board Chairman, deputy Vice Presidents, Executive Directors and Managing Directors shall be elected by mutual vote by the Directors.
  (3) Directors of the IRI shall comply the rules as follows:
    (a) Directors shall not have their spouses or relatives in 3 degrees of relationship as Directors.
    (b) The number of Director's spouses or relatives in 3 degrees of relationship shall not be more than one-third of the total number of Directors.
(4) Auditors shall not hold an additional post such as Director or Staff of the IRI.

Article 15. (1) The Board Chairman shall represent and manage the IRI.
  (2) Deputy Vice Presidents shall assist the Board Chairman. In an emergency, Deputy Vice Presidents shall take on duties following their nomination by the Board Chairman.
  (3) Executive Directors and Managing Directors shall attend to the duties that are required by the Board of Directors. 
  (4) The Board of Directors consist of the Directors who operate the IRI based on its charter and decisions of the Board of Directors.
  (5) Auditors shall have duties as follows:
    (a) To audit directors executive circumstances.
    (b) To audit property.
    (c) If serious cases such as an irregularities in the books, property or activities are found by an audit which is ruled in Article 15, section 5 No.2, they shall be reported to a general meeting or a competent authority of the IRI.
    (d) To call a general meeting in order to report  as occasion demands.
    (e) To advise or to ask to call a general meeting to inform the members of directors and property matters.
Article 16. (1) Directors' terms are for one year.  They may be re-elected.
  (2) In case a substitute takes on duties of a Director, the terms shall be the remaining period of the former Director's.
  (3) (Filling vacant positions) Directors shall perform their duties until the successor assumes the post even after expiration of the term.
Article 17. The positions shall be filled if one third of the Directors or Auditors positions are vacant.
Article 18. If a Director meets the condition of removal by the IRI, this shall be done by a decision of (a) general meeting.  In this case, the Director shall be given a chance to explain his/her actions before the decision is made.
  (1) Inability to work because of a disorder of the mind or the body.
  (2) Acting to disgrace the IRI.
Article 19. (1) Directors can receive rewards (within the limits of) less than one-third of the total amount of the rewards.
  (2) The IRI shall indemnify the Directors for any expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.
  (3) Necessary information about above will be established by the Board Chairman with the agreement of the Board of Directors.
(Office staff)
Article 20. The Board Chairman may select office staff for the IRI and appoint them.

Chapter 5. General Meeting

Article 21. Meetings in the IRI consist of general meetings and emergency general assembly meetings.
Article 22. General meetings shall be held by Corporate Members.
Article 23. The following items are resolved by general meeting.
  (1Change in articles of association.
  (4Planning and changing of activities and budget.
  (5Business reports and settlement of balance.
  (6Election, dismissal, and rewards of Directors.
  (7Setting amount of annual and initial fees.
  (8Getting into debts and loans (except short-term loans which will be repaid within the year.  See Article 50.)
  (9Organization and operation of head office.
  (10Important matters for operations.
Article 24. (1) A general meeting shall be held once a year.
  (2) An emergency general assembly meeting shall be held under the following conditions,
    (aWhen the general meeting convenes an emergency meeting by necessity.
    (bWhen one-fifth of the Corporate Members request it, giving their purpose and request to convene in writing.
    (cAn auditor convenes the meeting according to Article 15, section 5d.
Article 25. (1) The Board Chairman shall convene a general meeting except for cases which meet Article 24, section 2c.
  (2) The Board Chairman shall convene an emergency general assembly meeting in 30 days from the request according to Article 24, section 2a and 2b.
  (3) A general meeting shall be informed to the members Corporate at least five days before by a document stating its date, time, place, purpose and items of deliberation.
Article 26. The Chairperson of a general meeting shall be selected from the Corporate Members.
Article 27. A general meeting shall be convened with at least half the Corporate Members in attendance..
Article 28. (1) According to Article 25, section 3, items of deliberation of the general meeting shall be of which the Corporate Members were informed in advance. matters.
  (2) Proceedings of general meetings are provided in articles of association, also decided by agreement of a majority of the Corporate Members.  In case of a tie, the Chairperson shall decide.
(Right to vote)
Article 29. (1) The right to vote of each Corporate Members is equal.
  (2) Corporate Members absent from a general meeting due to unavoidable circumstances, shall be able to vote in writing or entrust another Corporate Member to act as their proxy.
  (3) Corporate Members who vote in writing or by proxy according to Article 29, section 2, Article 30, section 1 and Article 51 shall be considered as present.
  (4) Regarding decision-making of a general meeting, Corporate Members who have a vested interest cannot participate in the decision making.
(The minutes)
Article 30. (1) The minutes of a general meeting shall be prepared and include the following.
    (a) Date, time and place.
    (b) Total number of corporate members and number of attendants. (Numbers of the Corporate Members who vote in writing or by proxy should be indicated.)
    (c) Matters considered.
    (d) Outline of proceedings and the results of votes.
    (e) Election of scribers for the minutes.
  (2) The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson and two or more scribers who were selected at the meeting.

Chapter 6. Board of Administration

Article 31. (1) The Board of Administration consist of the Directors.
  (2) Auditors may attend the Board of Administration and have opportunities to give their opinions.
(Powers of the Board of Administration)
Article 32.  In addition to the matters indicated in the charter of the IRI, the Board of Administration decides the following matters.
  (1) Additional matters to discuss at a general meeting.
  (2) Executive matters according to the decision of the Board of Administration.
  (3) Administrative matters which do not need agreement by other general meetings.
Article 33. The Board of Administration shall be meet on the following occasions.
  (1) When the Board Chairman allows.
  (2) Two-third or more of Directors request the Board of Administration to meet with the purposes given in writing.
  (3) Auditors request the Board of Administration to meet according to Article 15, section 5.
Article 34. (1) The Board Chairman calls the Board of Administration to meet.
  (2) The Board Chairman shall call the Board of Administration in 30 days after the request according to Article 33, sections 2 and 3.
  (3) Date, time, place, purpose and deliberations of Board of Administration shall be informed to the Directors at least 5 days before the meeting.
Article 35. The Board Chairman is the Chairperson of the Board of Administration.
Article 36. (1) According to Article 34, section 3, deliberations of Board of Administration shall be informed to each director beforehand.
  (2) Proceedings of Board of Administration meeting shall be carried out by agreement of a majority of the Directors.  In the case of a tie, the Chairperson shall decide.
(Right to vote)
Article 37. (1) The right to vote of each director is equal.
  (2) Directors who are not able to attend the Board of Administration meeting because of unavoidable circumstances, shall be to vote in writing about the matters which were informed beforehand.
  (3) Directors who vote in writing by the regulations of Article 37, section 2, shall be considered as present.
  (4) Regarding decision-making of Board of Administration, directors who have a vested interest cannot participate in the decision making.
(The minutes)
Article 38. The minutes of Board of Administration meeting shall be prepared and include the following.
  (1) Date, time and place
  (2) Total number of directors and number of attendants. (Numbers of Directors who vote in writing should be indicated.)
  (3) Matters considered.
  (4) Outline of proceedings and the results of votes.
  (5) Election of scribers for the minutes.
  (6) The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson and two or more scribers who were selected at the meeting.

Chapter 7. Property and Accountant

(Components of property)
Article 39. Property of the IRI shall be composed of the following.
  (1) Property which is written in the general inventory at the establishment.
  (2) Membership fees
  (3) Donations
  (4) Income from property
  (5) Income from business
  (6) Other income
(Classification of property)
Article 40. Property of the IRI is regarded as any kind of income which is related to the activities of the NPO.
(Control of property)
Article 41. The Board Chairman controls the property of the IRI in the way decided after agreement of the general meeting.
(Financial account)
Article 42. Financial account of the Institute follows the principle of the Non-profit Organization Law Article 27.
(Classification of financial account)
Article 43. Financial account of the Institute is regarded as any kind of income which is related to the activities of the NPO.
(Activities plan and budget)
Article 44. Activities plan and budget of the IRI shall be made by the Board Chairman and they shall be agreed to at a general meeting.
(Interim budget)
Article 45. If the budget is exhausted due to unavoidable circumstances, after the agreement of Board of Administration, the Board Chairman may have an income and expenditure accounting accordingly to the budget the year before until the date of passing the budget bill regardless of Article 44.
Setting a reserve for miscellaneous expenses
Article 46. (1) A reserve for miscellaneous expenses can be set for cases such as a budget overrun or expenditure not provided for in the budget.
  (2) Without agreement of Board of Administration, the reserve for miscellaneous expenses shall not be spent.
(Addition to budget and correction)
Article 47. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the arranged budget can be added to or corrected after the agreement of the general meeting. (Business report and closing account)
Article 48. (1) The Board Chairman shall quickly prepare documents for balancing accounts of the Institute such as business reports, statements of receipts and disbursements, a balance sheet and property list after closing of every business year.
It should be checked by the Auditors and accepted at a general meeting.
  (2) If there is reserve after balancing the year's account, it will be carried over.
(Accounting period)
Article 49. Accounting period of the IRI is from April 1st until the following March 31st.
(Expedient measures)
Article 50. Payments from the budget, borrowed money or any other new responsibility of liabilities or abandonment of a claim shall be made after the agreement of a general meeting.

Chapter 8. Change of Articles of Association, Dissolution and Merger

(Change of the Charter of the IRI)
Article 51. A vote in favor by more than three-fourths of the Corporate Members who attend a general meeting shall be necessary to change the Articles of Association except for immaterial alternation which is allowed in the Non-profit Organization Law Article 25, section 3.
Article 52. (1) The IRI shall dissolve for the following reasons.
    (a) Decision of a general meeting.
    (b) Inability to successfully carry out business which is related to NPO activities.
    (c) Death of all Corporate Members.
    (d) Merger.
    (e) Bankruptcy.
    (f) Revocation of authorization of foundation from a competent authority.
  (2) According to Article 52, a vote in favor by of more than three-fourths of all the Corporate Members shall be necessary to dissolve the IRI.
(Surplus property remained)
Article 53. According to Article 11, section 3, property which remains after dissolution (except merger or dissolution because of bankruptcy) of the IRI shall be given to the nation.
Article 54. The IRI shall merger after agreement of three-fourths of all the Corporate Members at a general meeting and with authorization from the department concerned.

Chapter 9. Advertisement

(Official notice)
Article 55. Official notices of the IRI shall be made in the bulletin board of the IRI and through official gazettes.


Chapter 10. Standing Rules

Article 56. After agreement of  the Board of Administration, the Board Chairman shall set Standing Rules of the Charter of the IRI as necessary.


Standing Rules

1. The Charter of the Institute becomes effective from the day the IRI is established.
2. The Board of the IRI consists of the following directors.  
 Board Chairman : Kazutake KOHRA
 Deputy Vice President : Tokuro NOBECHI
 Deputy Vice President : Mikio YAMAMOTO
 Director : Masatoshi ITO
 Director : Naohiko IKEGAMI
 Director : Kimiko KAWANO
 Director : Edward SUZUKI
 Director : Kiichi TSUCHIYA
 Director : Shinji NAMIKI
 Director : Yuzo HIGUCHI
 Director : Carl Bradley BECKER
 Director : Yochio MACHI
 Director : Toshihiro  MUKAI
 Director : Eiji YODOGAWA
 Auditor  : Makoto IBUKA
 Auditor  : Fuminobu SOGA

3. Term of the Directors of founding of the IRI is, regardless of Article 16, section 1, from the date of establishment until June 30, 2002.
4. Activity plan and budget of the Institute are, regardless of Article 44, set at the organizational meeting.
5. Accounting period of the Institute is, regardless of Article 49, from the date of establishment until March 31, 2002.
6. Fees for the members are as follows:
  (1) Corporate member
   Annual fee \2,000.- / per unit
  (2) General member
   Annual fee \2,000.-/ per unit
  (3) Supporting member (Individual / Group)
   Annual fee \10,000.-/ per unit


Attention: Membership fee will be set (After April 1, 2002) as follows:
    Corporation members and general members : 2,000.-
    Supporting members: 5,000.-

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