International Research Institute (IRI)

Organizational Meeting and Application for Establishment


October 4, 2001.

c/o Higuchi Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
NPO  International Research Institute
Board Chairman Kazutake KORA (Tokyo University, Professor Emeritus)


The organizational meeting of International Research Institute (IRI) was held at Gakushikaikan (Tokyo, Japan) on October 4, 2001.  All proceedings required for establishment were passed unanimously by the 62  founding members (refer to 'List of Founders').
Fourteen directors and two inspectors were elected unanimously.  Moreover, directors' assignments were determined unanimously at the First Board of Directors Meeting that was held on the same day (refer to  'List of Board Membership').
Persons of great distinction attended and it was a successful organizational meeting.
We would like to inform our members that an application was made to the Cabinet Office on October 17, 2001 to recognize the IRI.

 Assuming all goes well, the Institute will get governmental authorization in 4 months after this application, leaving over a month for activity in the year 2001.

The name of the Institute is equivalent to XX University and specific research organizations such as 'department' or 'course' will be established..
The IRI will be open to research on a range of topics.  More branches or offices of the Institute are planned.
The IRI would like to welcome interested persons to join us.

Information Center
NPO (waiting for governmental authorization) International Research Institute (IRI)
Coordinator : Vice President; Mikio YAMAMOTO
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Independent Administrative Institution National Institute of Radiological Sciences
9-1 Anagawa-4-chome, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi 2638555 JAPAN
Tel: +81-43-206-3066  Fax: +81-43-206-3069  Cell phone: 090-9232-9542

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Last Modified: March 05, 2002